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In the final week of June 2018, cannon fire rocked the valleys around Broad Chalke, Wiltshire, while fighter planes and bombers flew overhead in dazzling displays of skill. Soldiers responded to calls to arms, flashing their weapons in the bright…
RMS Titanic
A new documentary, aired on Channel 4, suggests that the real reason RMS Titanic sank was not ice, but fire. Titanic expert Senan Molony claimed in the documentary, shown on New Year's Day, that an uncontrollable fire weakened the ship causing…
Origins of ancient dogs
Although we know that modern dogs are descended from domesticated wolves, the time and place this happened has been hotly debated. Now new research undertaken by an international team of scientists led by Oxford University, and informally known as…
Endeavour Thomas Luny 1768
Researchers with the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) have announced there's an 80% to 100% chance they have found Captain James Cook's ship Endeavour. HMS Endeavour started life as a coal ship called the Earl of Pembroke…
Robert the Bruce seal
Culture Minister Ed Vaizey has placed an export bar on the seal of Robert the Bruce to prevent its sale abroad. Robert the Bruce was King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329. He famously led the Scottish to victory over the much larger…
Greek text fragment Thermopylae
Parts of an ancient Greek text have been discovered in the Austrian National Library describing another Battle of Thermopylae. Details of the battle were found among several other fragments, all initially recorded by the Athenian writer Dexippus…
Tutankhamun burial chamber
In a find that 'could be the discovery of the century', radar scans, prompted by the theories of British Egyptologist Dr Nicholas Reeves, have revealed there could be two secret chambers hidden behind Tutankhamun’s tomb walls. [caption id…
Barrow excavation Yorkshire
A 'hugely important' Iron Age burial ground has been discovered at a site on Burnby Lane, Pocklington, east Yorkshire. The burial ground was discovered during excavations for a property development, which has now been halted to allow…
Joan of Arc
A ring belonging to Joan of Arc was purchased from a London auction house last month by French theme park Puy du Fou. Now it seems it could have been taken out of the country without an export licence, and the British authorities could demand its…
Lambeth Palace Bible
Recent analysis of a copy of England's oldest printed Bible has shed new light on the process of the English Reformation. The Bible, which was published in 1535 by Henry VIII's own printer, was written in Latin, the standard language of…
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