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20th Century

Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson
On 11 December 1936, Edward VIII abdicated after spending just 11 months on the throne. His reason was simple: he wanted to marry the socially-unacceptable love of his life, Wallis Simpson. This left a trail of intrigue, rumour and recrimination…
Battle of the Somme
At 7.30 on 1 July 1916, as the whistles fell silent, men climbed out of their trenches and headed across No Man's Land, with the objective of reaching and taking the German lines. So started the Battle of the Somme, remembered as one of the…
Easter Rising
The Easter Rising of 1916 was one in a long line of attempts by Irish republicans to break free from British rule and declare an independent Irish Republic. A bloody and possibly foolhardy revolt, it was bloodily suppressed with far-reaching…
Suffragettes in London
On 4 June 1913 suffragette Emily Davison stepped in front of King George V’s horse, Anmer, at the Epsom Derby. She was trampled and died in hospital four days later. She is recognised as a hero and martyr for women’s rights, although most of her…
Operation Barbarossa
On 22 June 1941 the Nazis launched Operation Barbarossa, the biggest invasion force in the history of warfare against their ally, the Soviet Union. The invasion date was planned for 15 May 1941, which would have given Hitler much more of the summer…
David Low cartoon, 1934
Starting on the night of the 30 June 1934, the Nazis removed their political opponents and paramilitary supporters in a single purge in what became known as the Night of the Long Knives. Having gained political power in the 1933 election, Hitler…
Adolf Hitler surveying damage at the Wolf's Lair after the Bomb Plot
On 20 July 1944, Claus von Stauffenberg entered the conference room at the Wolf’s Lair in Rastenburg, East Prussia, carrying a briefcase with a primed bomb. Shortly after the start of the meeting, he received an urgent telephone call and excused…
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