A series of directions drawn up to address the Vestiarian Controversy that enforced the wearing of the surplice.
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Fact of the Day
When Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa laid siege to the Italian city of Crema, he allegedly let his troops play football with the severed heads of his captives.
Quote of the Day
"...the unequal division of property and of labour, the difference of rank and condition amongst mankind, are the sources of power in civilized life, and its moving causes, and even its very soul.
~ Renowned C19 inventor and chemist Humphrey Davy
On This Day
1297 Scottish hero William Wallace defeated the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.
1649 Cromwell's siege of the Irish town of Drogheda ended with the massacre of about 2,800 soldiers and at least 700 civilians.
1878 268 miners were killed in an explosion at the Prince of Wales Colliery in Abercarn, Wales.
1929 The state of Georgia executed Homer Simpson.
1978 Medical photographer Janet Parker became the last person in the world to die from smallpox after accidental exposure in a lab.
2001 The world stood still as it witnessed attacks on, and the destruction of, the World Trade Center. The attacks resulted in 2,996 immediate deaths.